
Levels of membership
Outer Court

Persons who regularly attend Tradition or a Temple’s functions and wish to maintain an official connection to the Tradition or a Temple, but do not desire initiation into the Clergy. Being a Member at Large of the Outer Court of the Correllian Tradition does not of itself guarantee acceptance as an Outer Court member of any given Correllian Temple.  Apply for Outer Court Membership here.


Dedicants are members who have dedicated at least a year and a day of study in order to apply for First degree Priest/ess status. If after this period, the student does not qualify to apply for Clergy or the Clergy application is declined, the student can continue on to study the next degree but will revert back to Outer Court status within their Temple and the Tradition.

Clergy (Reverends)

Recognised members of the Tradition holding First, Second or Third degree Priest/ess status having completed several years of Clerical training through a chartered Correllian Temple or member of the High Priesthood.

High Priesthood

Clergy of the Tradition holding Third Degree Priest/ess status.

Arch High Priesthood (Rt. Reverends)

Members of the CCE (Correllian Council of Elders). The Correllian Council of Elders (CCE) is an advisory body made up of the Officers of the Correllian Tradition as listed above, as well as other members chosen from among highly respected members of the Tradition. The Council of Elders might be described as the “cabinet” of the Tradition, being a council whose non-binding opinion is solicited to help shape national policy. Membership on Correllian Council of Elders requires nomination by the Council of Elders or one of the Officers of Tradition, and confirmation by the Tradition Heads. Members of the Council of Elders are considered to be Arch Priesthood, and are sometimes described accordingly.

Each Temple has their own requirements and fees for membership and training but outer court registration is free of charge at this time. 

Apply for Clergy here